Sixth Age


With a team of ten artists and two designers I programmed the game-engine, code, level/terrain editor and a particle tool to create assets for the game, also allowing designers and artists control. This was the final project for schoolio. Sixth Age offers in-depth gameplay that appeals to casual gamers as well as core strategy fanatics. Utilizing chess-like strategy, players can conceive their own tricks and gambits through a distinctive set of battle commands. Choose from a diverse selection of playable characters, each with their own unique series of exhilarating spells and abilities.

  • Player vs Player Action: Pick from 12 unique characters and destroy your opponent to win.
  • Three distinctive battlefields to choose from, each with its own diverse range of tactical advantages.
  • Send a character into defend mode to lock-down an area and prevent your opponent from passing by without going through you first, combine magic but make sure you mana doesn't get to low or you'll need to put your character into a 'focus' trance to regain lost magic power.
Vast range of spells and abilities for each playable unit:
  • Use area-of-effect spells to target multiple enemies at once.
  • Cast stat increasing bonus' on your characters for an advantage.
  • Heal your front-line troops.
  • Scream out a warcry to raise your troops moral while lowering your opponents.
  • Fire poison arrows to do damage-over-time.
Special Effects:
  • Dynamic sky, watch as dawn fades to night and the stars start to sparkle high in the sky.
  • Every spell and ability is accentuated by a unique particle effect.
  • Watch as time slows down when a critical attack is rolled.

Next: Space Invaders